> "Hopefully we can make it a utopia with an emphasis placed on digital rights and freedoms, and not a dystopia we begrudgingly participate in."
I picture an unhealthy man sitting alone in a dingey small room. Boxes of half-eaten junk food strewn within a meter’s reach. A VR headset covering his face, visual auditory sensors flashing into his wide-open tired eyes, pupils dilated by the excitation of over-stimulation. Living a fantasy life in virtual reality to escape the awareness of his decline, misery, ineptitude, dis-ease and failure.
> "Hopefully we can make it a utopia with an emphasis placed on digital rights and freedoms, and not a dystopia we begrudgingly participate in."
I picture an unhealthy man sitting alone in a dingey small room. Boxes of half-eaten junk food strewn within a meter’s reach. A VR headset covering his face, visual auditory sensors flashing into his wide-open tired eyes, pupils dilated by the excitation of over-stimulation. Living a fantasy life in virtual reality to escape the awareness of his decline, misery, ineptitude, dis-ease and failure.